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Frank, when we had outside chores we had a great time with our kids anda bucket&brush "washing rocks."

"Hmmm...not quiteclean yet, Sweetie. Better wash them some more!" I suppose we coulda been reported to social services!
Yes waldo, we were making oatmeal raisin cookies, we also made seafood chowda today, and played in the sink and played with marbles and legos. It's all fun except the part about, pop-pop sit here on the floor with me, pop-pop like

I know thats right stinkie
I would like to put a lip lock around a big spoon full of that chowda ..I know it has to be awesome
Frank send some of dat good chowder to usin here in Texas or da recipe, May wifey can make a batch. I love it i was in Newport RI when i was in the navy and had it just about every friday.
My little sweetheart has gone home to Tennessee today

It appears to feel good to soak your elbows in
Now Frank,
She is going to try that at home then she will be crying to come back to POP-POP's.

What a sweetie Frank.....all the money we spend on expensive toys and kids are happy playing in the water or in a empty box.
A smile that lights up the room.

I know you'vehad a little snow up that way, what, no sledding?
The house has gone quiet, today I bottled a White Zinfandel, A Red Zinfandel, and started a Piesporter. Most of my labels now are printed on plain paper, cut out with my paper cutter and glued on with glue sticks, make the bottles much easier to clean, I still make fancy labels for gift bottles.
Very nice Frank.
Me for one, I'd like a quiet house for a few days. With a sixteen year old and a thirteen year old, quiet is something I don't get a lot of.
Edited by: peterCooper
We used to look forward to the day that all the kids were gone. We had an empty house for a few weeks and then we got another foster kid. I have to admit, the house is a lot more interesting with kids in it!
And silence is ..............:LOUD"
Great looking wines stinkie.....and labels
Whenour youngest left about a year ago, I needed something to do, while surfing the net I came across this site and thought it sounded like something fun, so I bought the stuff to start making wine. It did give me something fun to do and I really enjoy the hobby. I'm on my third kit now, and my hubby is making beer. Not the same as having the kids home, but something to do.
I have to keep the snow off the roof, by putting blue tarps up every winter the snow mostly slides off by itself, the tarp are cheap $60 per year, new tarps every year. I don't want the ice dams messing up my new shingles.