375 bottles

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Senior Member
Aug 7, 2015
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Why are 375 bottles usually mentioned for the port wines? Because they're sweet, strong, or both? What's the downside to using 750s?

I've hesitated trying a flavored port kit because I don't have any 375 size bottles. I did just see a sale that seems kick-***, but the shipping is what kills me.
I have 4 batches of 3 gal port kits going, and 3 more on pre-order. I don't want that many 375ml bottles around. So I bottle 8 in 375ml bottles, and the rest in 1.5L bottles. When I get low, I will rebottle a 1.5L into 375ml bottles.

When I went on a cruise, I rebottled two 375ml into a 750ml bottle. The cruise line lets you bring 2 bottles (up to 750 ml each) onto the cruise. I brought that and a bottle of regular wine.
To add on to what others have said about people usually drinking less of it (which is true), it's also been tradition for manufacturers to use smaller bottles because they make less of it and charge more for it.

We always split ours up, with most of it going in 750ml bottles and some going into smaller (usually 500ml) for gifts. We're usually drinking it with friends so a full bottle goes quick anyway. :h