2 weeks since press - Should I intro MLF bacteria

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Sep 18, 2012
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So I pressed 2 weeks ago and then 24hours or so later I racked off gross lees. My wine has been in airlock carboys since and all I've added so for is some tartaric to bring up my low acid levels a little no sullfites yet other than pre-fermentation. I'm sitting at around 3.3-4ph right now and am wondering A. if MLF is mandatory/recommend and B. If its too late to introduce my own bacteria.

Introducing mlb at this point will work fine. You can really add it any time after it is mostly fermented. You may want to feed it with one of the mlb nutrients. If you use bacchus that comes in a small sachet, that already has the nutrient in it.
Can someone tell me what in the world a MLF is??I have no idea what you are talking about but apparently it has to do with making wine. Could someone please elaborate on this?
MLF= malo lactic fermentation
MLB= malo lactic bacteria
MLF if a process where red wines (generally) are innoculated with mlb to reduce the malic acid to a gentler lactic acid which makes the wine smoother and ads more mouthfeel.
Thanks so much ... I introduced the MLB on 2 out 3 of my demis yesterday... this way i'll be able to taste the differences and decided if its something to repeat on the next batch.