Cellar Craft 1st Grape Pack

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Senior Member
Sep 21, 2012
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I have just started a Cellar Craft Silver California Merlot with 1.5 liters virgin crushed California Merlot grape pack. After stirring the must for a good 3 min., the SG came up to 1.080 and the temp. was 76/F. so I pitched the yeast.

I stretched the bag (for the grape pack) over a ½ gal bucket and held it in place with a rubber band. I dumped the grape pack into the bag but I didn’t get all the jam into the bag, so I added about 1 cup of warm water to the jam in an attempt to get more jam out. What do ya’ll do?

In a few days I am going to need to remove the grape pack. How do ya’ll get the pack out without taking too much juice with it? Sanitize my hands and squeeze?
You are doing well on all counts. That is exactly how I do it. In addition I sanitize my hands and squeeze the grape bag 1 or 2 times a day during primary in order to extract as much goodness as possible. Keep on keeping on
Thanks Roger, I sanitized my hands and squeezed the grape pack today. I had such a strong fermentation I couldn't even get a SG reading :h (a good thing I think)
Strong fermentation IS a good thing. I'm getting thirsty. What will it be tonight?........
Last night I opened a bottle of Cellar Craft Premium California Reserve Pinot Noir :b
Leave that grape pack in the wine until you move the wine to a carboy. At that time, as mentioned, sanitize your hands and squeeze the heck out of the bag. You won't need to keep the grape pack after that.

What do you think of the Premium Pinot Noir? I was seriously considering one of those but went with Williams Brewing PN instead, since I was looking for a lighter red. Let me know what you think. Any tweaks? How old is it now? Does it taste like PN? Looking forward to your responses.
The 1st 6 mo. the PN was just barely drinkable, but it seems overnight the wine elf came in and now it's great. I would and plan to make it again