12tsp acid blend to get TA in line. wow.

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Jul 25, 2011
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Just mixed up a 5 gal batch of peach with 30lbs of z-ladys. It took roughly 12tsp to get the TA to just 55%. Glad I had a full bottle of sodium hydroxide. I think I tested it 3 times before I mixed in the calculated acid just to be sure. Kept getting .40 on the dot every time with 4tsp originally. The yeast starter of Cote de Blancs is roaring away in a glass jar ready to be pitched. SG of 1.091 and 8lbs of frozen waiting to be f-packed. The must smells incredible.
What kind of fruit is this and is this grocery store fruit? ts of grocery store fruit is picked way before its actually ripe and that causes a big problem with acid and ph adjustment. Sugars will be very low also but they do this because if they picked it ripe and then shipped it 1/2 or more would be spoiled before it even made it to the grocery store shelf.
These are WA z-lady variety peaches that are only a 3 hour drive away. These were picked ripe and bought in bulk. The taste in incredible though but I am just surprised how little acid was in them.
Just a crazy update. I pitched this yeast starter on saturday night and 72hours later I measured the SG at 1.000 on the dot. I cant believe that the Cote des Blancs tore the sugar up that fast. Thought this yeast was supposed to be a slower fermenter. Strong starter maybe.