Yeast taste/smell in filtered wine

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Pois, ticks, taro....

Y'all lost me.
Sorry Martina, we were "horse trading so to speak." As far as "seed ticks, I haven't a clue what they are!"
Seed ticks are tiny 6 legged parasites that crawl up your legs in droves. They have a pointed sucker mouth and stick it in you to draw out body fluid, mostly blood. When they are full, they fall off and lay their eggs on the ground. Very common here. We also have some very large varieties of ticks that swell up to the size of shooting marbles when full of blood, normally found on dogs and other animals.
Maui your not the only person that hasn't heard of them.
We led a world coon hunt awhile back, and some guys from up north got loaded with them. They didn't know what they were either. When they asked what these little thing were on their legs. We told them seed ticks. Then they asked what was a seed tick. All we could do was giggle and say you'll find out in a couple of hours.

You see when a seed tick bites it gives a burning itching feeling. That can last for a long time after the tick is removed.
They are not fun to get on you. I don't know how bad they are in CW's neck of the woods but around here you don't go in the woods without protection on your leggs in the summer.

"Dry land blood suckers!" Do they cling to your clothes and ride along, or exposed skin areas?
They do both. If they are on your clothes when you go in the house they get on whatever piece of furniture you sit on. Then you will be sitting in you tighty whities relaxing and feeling them crawling on you for the next couple of days. Until you finally kill them all. They can be a real pain. But I love where I live. Tall pine trees and old growth oak bottoms. Just beautiful.

Yes, they are bad up here also, and bad in my back yard as we speak. My wife has already started on me to put out poison. She got 5 big ones off one of the dogs today.
Gosh, they sound quite scary. I'd probably be covered in them, since I attract all those mosquitoes, bees, flies, and sand flies.

I wouldn't really call them scary, just annoying. When I was little my dad would come home from work, hand me a tooth pick and put on short and have me pick them off of his ankles.Now I'm starting to do the same with my boy.

Still, my initial reaction is "Yikes!"

I seem to be a feast for all bugs.
As of the spring, my perfume is "Eau de OFF"
I just got done smashing10 or 12 of them on the back patio, swelled up big as marbles with blood from the dogs. After that, I thought how I should have taken pics for those of you who have never seen them. I think they were falling off today because of all the rain the last couple days and it will be easier to burrow into the yard and lay eggs. The blood fertilizes the eggs, just like in mosquitoes.

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