yeast on top of must?

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Jun 4, 2011
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I have made 2 batches of kit wines with great success. I am currently making a 4 week kit Green Apple Riesling wine. I have done everything the same as before but this time I am having issues.
I started primary fermentation Sunday (May 29th) and have been following the instructions without any deviations. This morning (day 7) my SG was 1.020, so I gave the must a stir, lifted my primary fermenter pail to the top of my washing machine [yes, I home brew in my laundry room] and left it there until I could rack the wine into the carboy. This evening (approx 10-12 hrs later) when I opened the pail to siphon into my carboy, there was/is a VERY strong smell of yeast (more than just the typical fermentation smell) and a thick-ish layer of fermented yeast on top of the must (it looks and smells like bread yeast when you activate it before making a dinner rolls).
I have only used the products included in the kit and the brand is the same as the previous 2 kits I used before. What do I do?? I have not done anything yet (except scour the web for an answer)...
If its fermenting then its doing fine! Different wines will smell different and even sometimes the same kit or wine will smell different. Some yeast packets just have more live yeast cells or just do better then others and will be more or less active and this will make it smell different but not change the flavor profile much unless it is fermented in too warm or too cold a place.
I have to agree with Wade, sounds like your doin just fine here! Good Luck!
So the scum of yeast on top of the must is nothing to worry about?
Should I rack it into the carboy trying NOT to disturb the stuff on top, or do i need to stir it shortly before racking?
Just follow the instructions as far as sg goes. Nothing to worry about the scum. With Beer making you wouldnt believe hiw much of that scum you can get, Ive seen it as high as 9"
Eeeewwww!!! I knew there was a reason why I don't like beer!
Just never saw it before and wanted to make sure I didn't screw anything up...
Eeeewwww!!! I knew there was a reason why I don't like beer!
Just never saw it before and wanted to make sure I didn't screw anything up...
Yep, follow your instructions... That scum will settle out in secondary, no worries...