Wine from fruit and vege pulp left over from juicing

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Jan 28, 2015
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Hi all,
I like to make fresh vege/fruit juice mixtures for breakfast. I usually use beetroot, apple, ginger, celery, carrot.

I throw out the pulp as I live in an apartment so no compost/chickens. I was emptying the pulp container in to the bin the other day and thought about the fact that it still seems to have quite a bit of moisture left in it and whether it could be used to make wine.

Anyone have any comments on this?
I would think it is possible. the pulp would provide flavor to the wine. Mix about 5 lbs of pulp for one gallon of water and then proceed with adding acid blend and yeast etc. try just one gallon to see if it works and determine if more pulp might be necessary for a more full bodied wine.
I am thinking you might need more pulp than salcoco say. You have squeezed all the juice out and that is where the flavor comes from. Try it with the 5 lbs. and if that is too weak, try using more pulp on another batch. Have to experiment and find out how much you need to use. Good luck with it, Arne
Thanks. Will save up a bit in the freezer and see if I can get 7lbs to start. Guess I should pasteurise the pulp with a campden tablet at the same time as adding pectinase as there would be a lot of wild yeast on the beetroot/carrot skins.