window in winemaker room

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Apr 26, 2007
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I'm in the process of making a wine making room. I have a basement window 16x32 that will be located in this room. Should I cover this window, so there won't be any light in there. My carboys won't be in the direct light but I'm curious if the light will affect anything. Any body thoughts. Thanks
All I did was cut a peace of cardboard to cover the window. Seems to be working well.
Depending on how deep into the ground your basement is, and how much ventilation you have, you might want to consider putting the carboys in an enclosure (cardboard boxes, a screen, a curtain, a closet) and having light in the rest of the room to keep down must smells and mold and mildew. I suspect since you have that much window, that you're not bothered by these problems. Others may have such concerns, though. My basement doesn't extend very far out of the ground, no windows that open (glass blocks), not much ventilation, not much light.