Why do we measure SG/PA/Brix ?

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Yes PA is potential Alcohol. Maybe i should say PA for my first reading and call my second reading my Sugars left for Alcohol? PA and SLA?

You can stop fermentation by sorbating and K meta cant you? i know this isnt a good practice in beer making. And is it just me or has anyone noticed how some of the hardcore home brew forums view wine making a unmanly fairyish art. While some of the hard core wine forums view beer making as a quicky for alcohol that anyone could do?

As for me, I think that beermaking sounds twice as hard as wine making anyday.
Brix is used when you have a refractometer. This is used in the field to ck the sugar level in fruit / grapes on the vine. It tells you when to pick at the right sugar level.
PA is just a easy way to convert the SG to know what the alcohol will be. Sure beats a math equation to figure it out right?

Brix is the % of sugar in the must.
I guess the gravity scale is more important if being very exact on measurments is very important to you.

Right...and I don't see a point in taking a measurement unless its exact. Why use a scientifically calibrated tool, expose the wine to possible infection to take a test reading, unless you're getting the most accurate test result?
i just take a reading before i put in the yeast(with refractometer) after that i dont take any more reasing until there is no more action in the airlock,the i test and as long as its dry i rack with c.t. and sorbate and ive yet to lose a wine.
you should always use what you feel comfortable with (brix,p.a.,s.g.) in the end as long as the wine is good who cares