which yeast for watermelon?

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How did it come out? Was it dry or sweet? I've wanted to do this myself so details are appreciated
wellthe taste, when I last tasted it..the beginning of january it was coming around.. better than when I bottled it. lol It would still be in the carboy if everyone didn't want some for Christmas! I gave them strict instructonsnot to open it until I say so!I bottled a few in beer bottles as testers, the nose keeps getting better with time and the chemical taste is dispersing. When my friend drank some at new years he thought it had a spoiled taste to it but I'm sure it was the chemical taste.I want it to beb/t semi dry to a semi sweetand that's about right where it is where I like it best, can't do sweet wine! To tell you the truth I had to baby it when it was fermenting because of the temp.I used a float thermometer to watch it closely. I used premier cuvee made a couple good starters.I wanted to make sure it got started good cuz of the low temp I had to let it set at. I also used 2oz of watermelon flavoring. let ya know how the taste is coming I'll be testing it next week
sounds complicated but worth the effort. lookin forwad to hearin about the finished product. also for next time maybe you would consider using honey. its a natural preservative, seems like it would help the must keep
Peaches, we need an update on this. Heard of watermelon wine all my life and intend to try my hand at it 1 time.
I have tried it twice myself and it was a flop on both tries. This one is a booger to make but I think I will give it another go this year.
after babying it so long I left it sit in the bottles all this time. It has alot of sediment! I knew I was gonna get alot of sediment cuz I bottled it befor racking it as many times as I wanted to! But all in all it taste pretty good. but when I make it this year I'm going to leave it age more in the carboy and rack more often gotta run I'll post some more info later today
I have had some success with watermelon wine - I followedJack Keller's adviceand used 100% watermelon juice
Would it help to steam juice the watermelon first, and use only the juice? If you steam juice, do you think you would have to seed it first?
I wanted to try this over the summer, but wanted to think on it some more first, so it will be on the list for next year.
I'm pretty sure adding heat to this one may not be a good idea since it seems to bea challenge keeping the fruit from spoiling.
I wouldnt steam it. I would make a huge starter while keeping the watermelon juice cool and even probably introduce quite a bit of the watermelon juice to it just in case.
No need to steam this one - just squeeze the juice out. My hands got tired of squeezing and I wished I had a small press
By the way - this is an inexpensive wine to make as you can get about a gallon of juice per melon (depending on the melon of course) but even when it comes out right, a lot of people just don't like it