Which is the better Airlock?

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Junior Member
Dec 28, 2013
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I've noticed there are several styles of airlocks currently on the market and eBay. Is one style preferred over the other for any particular reason? Which style do you prefer? I plan on buying a few or more so I'll have them as I start collecting carboys. My original kit came with the three piece style so that is the only one I am familiar with. Thanks in advance for your 2 cents.
David, I prefer the one piece s-shaped airlock for a couple of reasons. It gives me a better visual of what is happening with the fermentation and it does not seem to lose its liquid to evaporation as readily as the three-piece model does. At least, this has been my experience. On the down side it is a little harder to clean but I find that pipe cleaners do a good job.
They summed it up for you the 3 piece is easier to clean and the S shape is easier to tell if your still fermenting, the choice is yours. but keep in mind the shape does require more equipment to clean (as in a simple airlock brush.)
I use both, but prefer the s-type for the reasons stated above. Also, they make it easy to tell if you have a good seal on the carboy.
The 3 piece has an advantage during Primary Fermentation. It can pass larger volume of gas, and is easier to clean.

Later, the S type has the advantages of: Lower evaporation rate, and can allow gas to go both ways (3 piece will suck liquid into the carboy).

During long-term storage, the vented silicone bung has the advantages of: Does not dry out, and can keep gas from being sucked into the carboy.
The 3 piece has an advantage during Primary Fermentation. It can pass larger volume of gas, and is easier to clean.

Later, the S type has the advantages of: Lower evaporation rate, and can allow gas to go both ways (3 piece will suck liquid into the carboy).

During long-term storage, the vented silicone bung has the advantages of: Does not dry out, and can keep gas from being sucked into the carboy.
I'll have to pick up a few of those vented bungs if I decide to do some bulk aging. Thanks for letting me know they exist. I ordered a few or five s airlocks this morning. Thanks for all the advice.
I use all 3-piece. Easy to clean and to be SURE it is all clean and sanitized. I have never had evaporation trouble like others, never had trouble with liquid being sucked back into the carboy, not sure why that is.
Airlock brushes are pricey. I got a multipac of airbrush cleaner brushes at Harbor Freight for $2. They are diff sizes also which is nice. I researched the which kind of airlock question a couple months back and richmke hit it on the head. So far I mostly use 3 piece, but I find I have to change out the locks often due to evaporation. During summer only when I add meta, but winter is here now and it seems like a monthly chore. Right now while I have all my aging carboys on wheelie cars in my kitchen thats fine. But soon I'll have to put some in long term storage, maybe the basement, and I don't get there too often to keep a good eye on them. I'll go s style then for sure.

Pam in cinti
You are supposed to clean airlocks???

I started with the 3 peice.
I have since moved on to the S.
As all have stated you can better observe the action.
Not to say that I sit in my basement staring at all the airlocks to pass the time.
That would be sad, unless someone else does it aswell. In that case aint it fun!!!
I use Vodka in my airlocks. I figure if it gets sucked in, the wine gets a little kick.

The last time, I tried not using anything in the 3 piece during primary. Seems like there is a lot of opinions on even whether to use an airlock during primary. I figure it keeps dust and bugs out.
The one advantage of the gooseneck type of lock (other than what has already been listed) is the SOUND!!!

Man, I LOVE the "blurp-blurp" sound that occurs when a batch is really cooking. If you have several batches going at once, it sounds even better. I would love to put this down on tape (ok CD for you youngsters) and sell it.... "Sounds to make a winemaker sleep".
Some of you are missing out on the fun. If the fermentation is going pretty good and you put a little too much liquid in the 3 piece, the middle piece bangs against the cap. Much more entertaining than just the bubbles.
The one advantage of the gooseneck type of lock (other than what has already been listed) is the SOUND!!!

Man, I LOVE the "blurp-blurp" sound that occurs when a batch is really cooking. If you have several batches going at once, it sounds even better. I would love to put this down on tape (ok CD for you youngsters) and sell it.... "Sounds to make a winemaker sleep".

John, Your reasoning alone makes me glad I bought a few or five off eBay yesterday. At 40 I don't really consider myself a youngster but after a quick look around the house i realized a tape wouldn't do me any good. Although, my 15 year old did point out the 2000 Explorer we bought him recently had a tape player. I also remember him sticking his finger in the tape player and asking "whats this do"!
I have all three kinds. I use the vented silicone on my small barrels. I use the three piece on carboys. I no longer use the S type, they are impossible to clean and or change out the solution. I don't clean the three piece ones just rinse out under tap water and refill with meta solution.
John, Your reasoning alone makes me glad I bought a few or five off eBay yesterday. At 40 I don't really consider myself a youngster but after a quick look around the house i realized a tape wouldn't do me any good. Although, my 15 year old did point out the 2000 Explorer we bought him recently had a tape player. I also remember him sticking his finger in the tape player and asking "whats this do"!

Hmmm. Let me get this straight. You purchase him a vehicle and he complains about the sound system?????
Hmmm. Let me get this straight. You purchase him a vehicle and he complains about the sound system?????

lol. Not a complaint. It's also new enough to have a CD player, however, he honestly didn't know what the tape slot was for! I also remember when he was about three or four and we were walking through a reuse it store (thrift store) and he saw a bunch of 33 rpm records. His eyes got real big, like only a toddlers can do, and he said, "whoa!, those are some big CDs!". When I explained what they were he was astounded, "you can watch em spin?".