When to bottle fresh juice Lodi Chardonnay?

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Noob Vintner
Jun 22, 2011
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Sorry for the newb question, but this is the first fresh juice batch that I'm making and wanted to get some feedback on timing here.

I started the 6gal batch back in Sept '12 and it's gone through all the major stages, and knock-on-wood is shaping up really nicely.

Put it through MLF right after primary (end of Oct), then a month or so of oak aging with two different toasted oak staves (Dec-Jan). Since then has just been resting with an airlock in my wine cellar at about 58º-62º avg temp. I added only just a little K-meta when I racked it off the oak back into the glass carboy but not much.

So the question is, when should I stabilize it? Not sure I'm going to clarify it because it's really quite clear already... is that done before or after I stabilize it (not sure if that is different with juice vs kit)

And then how much longer after, and approximately when should I go ahead and bottle it. Want to give it a chance to do it's "thing" but also want to get it bottled before there is any chance of it spoiling.

Should have stabilized it immediately after MLF. You are lucky it hasn't ruined already.

If you are happy with the acid level and such, you can go ahead and stabilized, maybe give it a week, then bottle.
Hmmm, didn't realize that. All the levels are right where they should be so I'll go ahead and stabilize it asap.
I do not think that you run any risk of spoilage in wine when you say that everything is at the correct levels. I have bulk aged wine for three years or more without any problem. In fact, for chardonnay, I prefer a long span of bulk aging.
My understanding is he did not stabilize with Kmeta after MLF. I don't know what levels he is referring to other than TA and PH since he didn't stabilize, neither of which, if at normal levels, would exclude the need for stabilizing.

Also, I wouldn't be in a hurry to bottle as long as you keep the free SO2 levels where they need to be. Over time, a lot can be done to a Chardonnay, as long as it is not already in the bottle. One can make a Chard really shine by getting the acid level just right. Just right by taste, not as much by measurement. Sometimes a little Biolees can take the bite out of a heavier chard, like what "might" come out of Lodi. Experiment with small quantities and always taste compare against a non-modified sample.

Work with it and you just might find you have a real treasure there.
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Thank you both for your feedback. Per your advice I've run it through some tests (fwiw it tastes wonderful).

Interested in stabilizing and letting it relax for another few weeks. Here are the results:

pH 3.25 @ 58º (~3.32 adj)
CHEMetrics Sulfite Titration - 17ppm (feel this is more accurate as the other was a color comparison)

According to a writeup I received with the fresh juice, I should stabilize it with 1TBS of K-sorbate and 1/2 tsp of K-meta.

Rather than just arbitrarily adding those amounts, can you offer some insight as to what I might need to add based on the above readings - and how I can calculate it next time.

Based on the few resources I've found I think I want to be in the 37ppm range. But not sure. Also, is Sulfites and SO2 one in the same?

How much wine did you make?

How much KMETA did you add to date and when were the addition(s) made?

How old is the wine to date?
I haven't check the TA again. That was the only test I didn't perform.

Sorry, I missed out something critical before...

6 gallons (filled to stopper)

I don't usually add K-meta during racking because there is residual K-meta solution left during sterilization of the carboy. This has seemed to be sufficient prior to stabilization.

Wine was fermented in Mid-oct.
Really, I didn't realize you shouldn't had sorbate if you did MLF. Hope I didn't screw up some earlier reds I made.

So, if this is the case. How should I calculate the needed K-meta to add to stabilize it?
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