What's worse than a cork blowing in your cellar?

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Mar 1, 2009
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How about one in your car. I put a bottled of wine in my car this morning that I had in my basement. I had it laying on the floor and wouldn't you know it. The first really nice day in a while and the sun was out all day heating up the car. Oh well a quick stop at the carwash and $50 later for the shampoo and all. The floor mat got most of it along with the door it shot against.
You werent in the car at the time were ya? Woulda been great to see you jump :)
Oh, dang !

Dont worry, some day you'll look back and laugh :i
Sir have you been drinking. Its like one of them DUI commercials, you open the door and wine pours out.
What type of wine was it, you think it will develop a nice sour smell "down the road"
"What's worse than a cork blowing in your cellar?" Having your mother in law watching and starting babbling about how you really don't know what your doing and telling you how you had better not expect her to drink any of your exploding wines!!!!!