What's for Dinner?

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I've been absent, but I never stopped eating! We are finally shifting into winter. I can focus on the fun stuff again. I've been taking pics all week, so it's a catch up post.

Short ribs!


Sloppy Joe's. Mmmmm

Skin on deboned chicken burgers... A must try. So juicy!


And tonight was lettuce wraps. Went out for sushi around 2pm. Had be be a lighter one. I haven't made this for years and it was a wow I forgot how much I enjoy those moment.
I've been absent, but I never stopped eating! We are finally shifting into winter. I can focus on the fun stuff again. I've been taking pics all week, so it's a catch up post.

Short ribs!

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Sloppy Joe's. Mmmmm
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Skin on deboned chicken burgers... A must try. So juicy!

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And tonight was lettuce wraps. Went out for sushi around 2pm. Had be be a lighter one. I haven't made this for years and it was a wow I forgot how much I enjoy those moment.
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Good to see you back. I was beginning to worry that building the shed had put you out of commission. ;)
Good to see you back. I was beginning to worry that building the shed had put you out of commission. ;)
The shed resulted in the using up of a bunch of piles of materials, which led to dump runs, the destruction of the old shed, burn piles and a fall clean up. Now that we have a dusting of snow I have been laid off!
Wow. Sorry to hear that!
No no, it's a good thing.. Now I can go back to making management decisions, playing guitar, and posting on wine forums. 😂

I think I will even have time to make some wine. I have 2 kits that have been sitting since September and the haskaps still haven't made it into primary... It is downright shameful.
Tried a new sauce tonight. I salt and pepper my wings and coat with flour, then bbq for about 45 minutes on the top rack on medium low. Makes for a good crispy bar style that needs little attention.

Instead of the typical sweet thai chili and Frank's varieties, I mixed Frank's, Tapatio, and a chipotle sauce with honey and butter.. Like 50% butter. The butter seems to kill the heat so I added some dried pepper flakes and a good scoop of kashmiri chili to add some flavor. It was good, but then the mix of the Truff hot sauce that I have been hard pressed to find a core purpose for really brought it to life. Served with a veggie platter, rice pilaf, and blue cheese.

Content, and feeling something stiff will be a good end to the evening.

dam that looks great - nice bark and smoke ring! nicely done!!
what's your seasoning? - i always go with Texas Style - with a little Celery salt and when i wrap a nice dab of Wagyu beef tallow

Simple for this. Meat Church Holy Cow rub. Pepper forward - I'd call it Texas Style with a Twist. A really good rub that I hadn't used before. I'm looking forward to trying it on steak. Also a spritz of apple cider vinegar before the wrap.
Uhhmmmm, bilgogi rice bowl?

You can do anything with a bed of rice in a bowl. I am pretty sure I have shared the tuna poke bowl, which is a staple around here now. The contrast of warm cold, soft and crunchy just makes these no matter what you put in them.

Simple garlic, ginger, onion, beef mix with some sesame oil, hot pepper flakes, soy, and whatever else I was feeling. The carrot and broccoli is blanched, chilled and tossed in a light soy, rice vinegar, and sesame oil dressing. With raw onion, carrot, cucumber and some Kimchi for kick.

For a simpler version, Taco is a total winner, too.
