What type of Wine Yeast to use?!

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ashton Hammar

Sep 15, 2008
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Hey Everyone -

So I am about to start some Asian Pear wine. After spending some time at a local bar in my home town, a friendly farmer I ran into and engaged in talking, told me he had some Asian Pears he didn't need. So the next day he dropped them off and now I have 25lbs!!!

I have been looking at people's topics on pear wine but my question is what type of yeast should I use? I like to use Lalvin and am considering either:
1) 71B-1122 or
2) ICV-D47

I was leaning towards the ICV-D47 but I was reading it prefers malolactic fermentation. Would this type of fermentation be good for a pear wine? I read it usually takes the 'crispness' off of a white wine. I know Waldo used EC-1118 for his. Please let me know your thoughts on which to use.. or if it really makes a big difference at all.

Id go with the 71B or EC 1118 as the ICV produces more lactic acid which is why it prefers a MLF. 71B will burn off a little extra of the malic acid which pears, apples and blackberries are a little high in.
25 lbs.... NICE!!!

I used Cote des blancs on mine. I read that it is really good on apple, So I asked Tepe and decided to use it on my pear. Happy so far, but that is on really young samples.
I believe Cotes des Blancs and 71B-1122 would both be great choices for the pear wine. These two have become the real workhorses for my whites.

The D47 would also work well - it doesn't prefer malolactic fermentation, it prepares the wine for it by creating a favorable environment for it to occur after primary fermentation.
My vote is for 71B. Made a pear mead using it and the mead came out fantastic. 71B has become my go to yeast for whites and meads as well.
I think I will use the 71B. I have used it before on my Pumpkin Spice and it worked well. Thanks guys for the votes.