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Call me weird, but I find putting together IKEA furniture almost therapeutic. Give me IKEA furniture and a bottle of wine and I am a happy man. Don't judge me. ;)

Judge you??! I want to hire you!

Actually, I kid. I don't mind assembling it at all. Did the second one in about 15 minutes.
Went to Janoski's pumpkin land this morning. Decided it was time to defrost the freezer since the door was left ajar several months ago and the shelves have close to 1 1/2 inches of ice build up. Since that's underway the elderberries that we had are now in the process of being steamed. Guess I'm making a 3 or 5 gallon batch this year. I have close to 30 lbs. We'll see how much juice that yields and go from there.
Racked the Syrah to the secondary. The raisins are still fermenting in the wedding wine. :h
Racked my elderberry and cherry wines of of primary. SG was nearly 1.000, the elderberry decided it needed to go volcanic. Oh well, I was downstairs and caught it as it tried to bubble out the top of the airlock.

Here is a picture of what will be sitting aging in my basement this winter. Norton, chambourcin, grapefruit, Seyval, Vidal, blackberry port, blackberry, blueberry, cherry, and finally elderberry. I think that covers them all. I have a very understanding wife.

The wife decided she wanted the shower area retiled before our married daughter moves home for a couple of months. I worked like crazy this past week on it. In the process I didn't have time for my wines. This week I'll get back on track with them. Hope they are ok. Bakervinyard
I spent nearly all day acquiring things! Among other things, I bought a formica countertop for my new wine area under construction (mentioned above), and also went to my LHBS and snagged a CC Yakima Valley Syrah kit that tonyt says has just been discontinued. Also some dollies for moving carboys. A good day!
Locked up our place in the shuswap for the winter (last time ever!) and came back to the city
My basement floor is sloped, so I had to fabricate legs of different sizes for the Ikea cabinets referenced above. So I got to cut a section out of the legs and then weld 'em back together! Fun.
Just put my Eclipse Barolo together. A disappointing 1.082. But the grape pack is VERY thick, so I suspect I'll see a higher SG. I'm going to wait to pitch for a few hours and let things mingle a bit.
Just put my Eclipse Barolo together. A disappointing 1.082. But the grape pack is VERY thick, so I suspect I'll see a higher SG. I'm going to wait to pitch for a few hours and let things mingle a bit.

I vaguely remember reading someone else talking about one of the Eclipse kids and saying there was an addendum to the instructions saying not to expect the normal 1.090 from the kit neo before adding the grapes pack, but it elm raise to that in a day or so. Maybe search in the Kit Making forum for something like that.
Mixed up all the ingredients for a 5 gallon batch of Elderberry from 2 1/2 gallons of steamed juice. This should work out to be about 6+lbs per gallon. Starting SG 1.086 and ph 3.32. I'll adjust TA post fermentation to taste.
I vaguely remember reading someone else talking about one of the Eclipse kids and saying there was an addendum to the instructions saying not to expect the normal 1.090 from the kit neo before adding the grapes pack, but it elm raise to that in a day or so. Maybe search in the Kit Making forum for something like that.

Me too. I have no intention of modifying at this point.
If you take what ever utensil that you use and push the grape skin pack down in a manner as to try to dissolve that big thick uber jam pack, your SG will increase.
Re: Eclipse Cab kit. I used latex gloves that I sanitized, rinsed with sterile water and then wore to gently squeeze the grape pack juices into the juice. My SG increased significantly. At the end of fermentation I repeated the process.
What a day!
My brother had a 4 hour surgery for extensive Crohn's disease, My 45 year old sister in law underwent double mastectomy for cancer. Man, just when you think you're having a bad day, you realize how trivial the minor problems of daily life are!
What a day!
My brother had a 4 hour surgery for extensive Crohn's disease, My 45 year old sister in law underwent double mastectomy for cancer. Man, just when you think you're having a bad day, you realize how trivial the minor problems of daily life are!

Sorry to hear this and hope all turns out well. There are several folks here on the forum going through trying times right now.
cimbaliw, you and your family are in our prayers, I spent the past few days at the wake and funeral, you are correct, it makes the little stuff so trivial.