What r u buying with u’r tax returns?

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Senior Member
Dec 24, 2005
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I got my tax return (I'm some of the lucky few) and am thinking about getting a floor corker, maybe a minijet filter.... Figured I'd ask the rest of you, what you'll be gettin'?

Or Maybe that's why we vint because they take our extra wine money
I just paid 1,050. not counting the tax preparers $350 fee. guess no toys for Franke boy!!
Dang Stinkie, why would you pay someone to figure out you have to pay money? You can use an online service for $15.00 It asks you step by step every question a local tax preparer willand figures everything for you. I have used them since they first were available. Before that I did my own. Not hard at all if you like tedious, monotonous questions.

In regards to the question, mine is in the bank earning the interest that the government screwed me out of by holding it for a year.

Sorry to hear about your negative brush with Uncle Sam. I guess you should never trust relatives with your money

Though, I felt pretty happy today with my new Minijet and Crushendo wine kit. (they were out of floor corkers and the money was burning a whole in my pocket)

I just filtered three carboys I had bulk aging. and have another three or four waiting for me to have more energy and time.
Sorry smurfe, i worked in two different states and ran my own business,
besides having a regular job, so it gets very complicated.
Caught something in turbotax this year that i've not seen in previous years ( may have been there and i just didn'tsee it) - apparently you can deduct expenses for hobbies. I didn't read up on it in terribly great detail, but you better bet i'm saving my reciepts from wine makin for next year :cool: anyone deducting wine expenses currently?

Hate to bust your bubble, but there are rules about deducting hobby expenses. They're commonly referred to as the "hobby loss rules". You can only deduct expenses to the extent of income from the "hobby". In other words, you can't uses hobby losses to shelter other income. I'd assume you're not selling your wine and probably don't have any income off of it. I'd pass on taking any deductions...it's inviting trouble from Big Brother. I know...I'm a CPA.
And now you know the rest of the story

(in my best Paul Harvey voice)
Hmmm... I think I'll buy some more jewels for my tiara...

It's not cheap being a princess!
Yep, just mailed off our taxes today. We don't normally get a refund (my husband is an accountant and has it adjusted and figured to the t- throughout the year). But this year we had a few unexpected things happen and we will be getting a refund.

I am making out my wish list on George's website. Also, will be spending a week in beautiful Tulsa, Oklahoma, for my daughter ballet intensive w/ the Tulsa ballet this summer. It's now Hawaii, but fun!
redwineleo said:

Hate to bust your bubble, but there are rules about deducting hobby expenses. They're commonly referred to as the "hobby loss rules". You can only deduct expenses to the extent of income from the "hobby". In other words, you can't uses hobby losses to shelter other income. I'd assume you're not selling your wine and probably don't have any income off of it. I'd pass on taking any deductions...it's inviting trouble from Big Brother. I know...I'm a CPA.

That's why i should have read the fine print in turbotax :cool: thanks mate
Home improvements, unfortunately a wine cellar isn’t on the list
Maybe next year I will have enough wine made that it will be on the top of the list
Don't you hate having to do those home improvements that aren't fun?
We need new shingles...
A nice vacation somewhere on the beach. Any idea's where ? 2 adults 2 children for $1800 or less. It can't be in Texas, my wife said so.
OilnH2O said:
WE just did that last year! Do your homework -- not ALL shingles are alike...we were amazed at the differences in quality for a similar price!


Any advice would surely be appreciated! I believe in learning from others when they know more than I about something.
Look into a tin roof: Last forever and get a break on home insurance. It's more expenives and I don't know if it work up north but down south it's worth it. No hail damage to file on.