WineXpert WE selection Italian Pinot Grigio bulk aging

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Junior Member
Nov 12, 2013
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I plan to bulk age this kit for around 6 months (give or take).

Should I do the degassing and use clearing agents just after fermentation, or do I wait and let it clear and degas by itself , then use the clearing agents before bottling?

Btw I'm new here and have learned a ton from just lurking here for the last few months.
Some will say to add the chems now and others will add the k-meta but not the sorbate or add it later. Either way, you should degass first which will also help in clearing.

since I'm not back sweetening I was thinking about skipping the sorbate.

I've got 2 reds bulk aging now and have not used clearing agents with them, but was thinking I probably should use them with a white wine, right?
or will bulk aging be enough ?