water profile

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Jul 7, 2020
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My water at home is ... Calcium-41...Chloride-45....Sodium-43....Sulfate-71...Magnisium-7.....the average from my city 2020 water report, what is a good water profile for wine making? and what should I use to get my water to be good for wine? when I check my PH with my PH meter it tops at 6.67.
I would step back and ask, How does it taste?

If you are making wine from grape juice the quantity of tap water involved is minuscule.
If you are making a kit and the water tastes good it will not affect the finished wine. ex the sparkling mango flavor water I looked at today (ingredients: carbonated water, organic natural flavors) had an out of the can TA of 0.2% and a CO2 removed TA of 0.01% (one drop of titrant). ,,,,, Water which is good enough to drink won’t buffer a kit and your big issue is acceptable flavor. ,,,,, That said some folks buy bottled water for their kits or if you refill your water jug to the W store that is reverse osmosis of the available city water.

Just curious, have you ever run TA on your tap water?
not use what a TA is, but I think it my be for testing Total dissolved Solids? I do have a TDS meter and it showed up at .166 ppm or 0358 us/cm at 73 F. I havn't used it in a long time so not sure about the accuracy of it.
TA is total acid. your comments lets me believe you are a beer brewer. the acid level in grapes is so high that the peril you would risk in beer making do not exist. and as stated if making wine from grapes water is not involved. fruit wine or making wine from kits may take water and the main axiom is if your tap water is drinkable use it. if more finicky use bottle spring water.
just to add: I am using a 1 gallon kit from Winexpert classic, I chose the California Moscato. I should have given that information in the first place (sorry). This will be my second winemaking experience. with Winexpert wine kit. And yes I am a homebrewer that has brewed for 7 years now, have had many medals from coemptions. Now adventuring into wine making. I hope people here will be forgiving. Even though I have brewing experience I realize that winemaking is a new education for me. I do have the added support of the very knowledgeable people at my local home brew store (winner of the store of the year from HBA) the brew hut in Aurora Co. But I have always enjoyed the forum at HomeBrewTalk and hope to gather enough experience with wine to be helpful here, although I realize it may take years go get there.
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