Warning--Frozen Fruit Will Stain

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Wine Maker & Home Brewer
Jan 2, 2010
Reaction score
No surprise to most of you!--right??!! So as a reminder....... I bought 4 three lb. bags of frozen triple berry fruit today. Got home, set it on the kitchen counter on a large towel to absorb any moisture as it thawed. Watched the Colts put the hurt on the Texans and then had a few glasses of Skeeter Pee. I intended to begin 2 batches of Dragon Blood with the now thawed triple berry fruit. I scooped up all 4 bags and headed to the basement lab to begin the process.

When I reached the lab table, I notice that I had berry juice on the front of my jeans. As I quickly grabbed the bags and dumped them into a fermenting bucket I noticed a trail of deep purple "blood" through the basement, up the stairs, down the hallway carpet and across the kitchen floor.

Ohhhhhhhhhh fuuuuuuuuudge.........(To quote one of my favorite Christmas story movie lines) Fortunately, my lovely bride recognized the tone of my quote and she immediately sprang into action. She was quickly armed with a host of stain removers & other chemical products that has rescued us over the years.

I began wiping up the mess with a wet cloth and she was using Hot Shot to clean the carpet and Soft Scrub Bleach on the wooden basement steps. Between the two of us within an hour we had removed all signs of the triple berry blood.

After all of the scrubbing, I worked up a sweat, so now I am drinking another glass (or 2) of Skeeter Pee & the "Blood" is safely contained in the bucket in the fridge, so it will just have to wait until tomorrow. This "Blood" is going to taste extra good when it's finished.... this is the hardest I've ever worked for a bottle of wine!!!

So, here's the moral of the story..... Place any frozen fruit bags in a bucket or a bowl to contain any leaks!!!! Don't let something like this ruin your wine making night!!!

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