Want to add more muscadine juice

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Sep 27, 2013
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I started my muscadine wine two weeks ago Sunday. I used one and half gallons of mashed muscadines, 9 lbs of sugar, three gallons of water, one packet of regular yeast. Yeast started bubbling and frothing. Wanted to add more juice so I put in pint of juice and cup of sugar and one more yeast package and half gallon of water. It's been 12 days and I can still hear fizzing. I tasted the batch I want to add more muscadine juice to make the taste stronger. I have a qt of juice that I want to add. I need to know how to do this and if I can at this point. And should I add more sugar and another pack of yeast. Thank you for your help.
The fizzing is probably gas. I would add the juice, measure the sg, log it and wait 1 week and measure it again. If unchanged I would sorbate and k-meta.

On a side note, 3 gallons of water is way too much even with something as strong as muscadines. Add your juice and taste, if it's ok then you are good to go if not go get some more juice. But then you are starting to lower your alcohol content.
Yeah I realized I had too much water in it too late. It tastes good but watered down. I will add the juice. But should I also add more yeast and sugar? I also do not have the meter thing. I'm doing this old school and probably am over my head. It's also my first time so I'm sorry for stupid questions. Thank you for answering me
With just a quart, no. Dont add yeast or sugar at this point. Add your juice, taste it, if it has the flavor you want (even if more sugar may be needed) then measure your sg and leave it be. After you are sure its not still fermenting then youcan add the sorbate and k-meta . A quart of juice in 5 gallons is not a lot, yes it will effect the alcohol content some but not knowing where it started and where it is now its best to go by taste. Imho.

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