Using Electric Drill To Degas??

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Senior Member
Dec 31, 2006
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Can someone please explain how you do this? What do you use in the drill for the stirrer? (I already know how to use the drill...LOL)
Read my kit tutorial and scroll down until you see the picture of me with my drill (there are more than one uses so look at all the pics). That is a Mix-Stir device. George sells them and others like the Fizz-X or the Wine Whip. In my opinion, it is a must have item.

Edited by: smurfe
Smurf's tutorial was dead on in pointing out a problem I have had for my last two kits. He show's him using the drill/stir when mixing the ingredients when you start akit. I had been just using a spoon, and was getting low SG readings after bringing the kit up to volume. Tim V from Wine Expert told me that their kits need a good frothing at the start to really mix the juice. It may look like it is fine when you pour in the juice and add the water. But the juice is thicker and may not seperate and mix with the water. He also said the must benefits from aeration needed to get the yeast started. Good tut Smurf.
I'm a newbe to the craft. I have my first kit in the primary and tonight should be the night to go to step 2. The tutorial was outstanding and gave me a better comfort level. Thanks and great job!
Welcome Michael, You came to the right place for answers and friends.
Please share your experiences as we can learn also. If you ever need
winemaking stuff, George has very reasonable prices and backs his
products 100% and the customer satisfaction here is outstanding! Good