Types Of Sugars

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Senior Member
May 17, 2013
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Someone contacted me a couple months ago and offered me (2) 40 lb bags of cane sugar. It's not the same color as the white sugar in the store. It has a tannish/light brown color to it. Does it matter what type of sugar I use? Will this type of sugar mess up my wine? Should I stick to store bought white sugar?
Will just add a slightly different taste is all the darker the sugar the more caramel flavor you'll get.
Try just fermenting straight sugar water with different sugars and you'll see
the tan sugar u are talking about is what is called tailings.
you have quite a few sugar cane mills around where u live.
the mix the white and the brown together to make what is call light brown sugar...they often will mix alot of test batches (and sale them cheap)
before it goes to packaging for retail...much like going to a local rice mill and buying your rice, really cheap.
the tan sugar u are talking about is what is called tailings.
you have quite a few sugar cane mills around where u live.
the mix the white and the brown together to make what is call light brown sugar...they often will mix alot of test batches (and sale them cheap)
before it goes to packaging for retail...much like going to a local rice mill and buying your rice, really cheap.

That sounds exactly what I have.

James, would you use that type of sugar to make your wines or not? What do you suggest I do?
I wouldn't worry about the type of sugar too much if you are fermenting it. If you are back-sweetening with it, you might be able to tell a difference in taste. I believe the yeast used will make a bigger difference in the finished flavor than the sugar type.
I wouldn't worry about the type of sugar too much if you are fermenting it. If you are back-sweetening with it, you might be able to tell a difference in taste. I believe the yeast used will make a bigger difference in the finished flavor than the sugar type.

Oh ok. I was getting worried because I had already used some in a couple of batches.
yes i would use it...sugar is from beets are sugar cane. both are squeesed pressed and the juices cooked, white sugar (crystals)goes to centrifuge and dried, fluffed, etc...if u get a chance,,,take a tour through one of the sugar cane mills...