tubes and shoots

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Jun 15, 2011
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When training young vines should you lift up the tube and remove shoots that you aren't going to use, and leave the leaves. Or should youjust wait till the vine is out of the shoot. I just have a small test vineyard 17 vines. And I'm not using tubes, but I'm not spraying around the vines either.
When I set my grape vines out I always put grow tubes on them until they grow out the top then take the tubes off then you can take an electric fence post and push in the ground beside the vine and tie the vine to it until it get tall enough to train on your trellis system
But do you remove the suckers or shoots that you aren't going to use while it's still growing in the tube or do you wait untill you are thru with the tube?
I wait until I take the grow tubes off then I remove all the leaves except the two that will be trained to extend out onto my lower wire of my trellis system
I just researched the same ??? & can't come up with a definitive answer. My Merlot vines, 3 yr. olds just planted this late winter/very early spring are now at the top wire [ 5ft.] of my 2 wire trellis. I did not use tubes or prune anything off the vines. Previously I cut the vines when they reached the top wire, now I not sure if I should let them go wild & prune back this winter or prune now. Tough decisions. Roy Fightingtown Creek Wines
trim off all the shoots except two arms for your bottom wire and two for your top wire so it looks like four arms on one stem. You want two arms on the bottom wire and two on the top wire going in oppisite directions then trim off all the leave from the ground to the first set of arms and then trim off the leaves between the first set of arms and the second set of arms and let the arms grow out
Mine are muscadine vines, so I'm just having a top wire on my trellis. I've been trimming off the suckers or shoots that come out behind the leaves, but leaving the leaves. I don't know if it helps to leave the main leaf or not. And it may be to time consuming to do it this way when I get a larger vineyard anyway.

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