too much kmeta on ready wine???

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Aug 28, 2013
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Hi, I am just about to bottle 100 liter of one years old wine. Up to this point the wine was nothing less than excellent. I decided to add 2.5 grams of kmeta before bottling (I did not bottle it yet). Now the wine still tastes good but I think I can taste a bit of kmeta in it. I don't know if my senses mislead me or this is real. I would like to know how to test if this is the case. Do I need to do anything to undo this? Is it possible at all?

Stir it REALLY well while trying not to whip too much oxygen into it. Do this every day until it's dissipated enough that you can't taste it any longer. Might have to stir it every day for a few days or up to a week.
How can I practically avoid oxygen? Are you suggesting to use CO2? Nitrogen? Anything else?
Using the handle of a long plastic spoon that you can buy in a wine supply shop---stick the handle into the carboy and stir the wine up. Just rotating the spoon handle rapidly is the way to do it--not an up and down motion which introduces oxygen. If you do this once a day for a week, this will often be enough. Thief some wine out to taste it once you've done this and see what you think of the flavor.
OK, thanks guys. BTW, I had one bottle before the addition of kmeta so I asked my wife to do me a blind test and I failed to distinguish between the samples. I put it all in bottles.
BTW, I was told by some guy that SO2 slowly gets out of the bottle through the cork - so be it. I am going to use that wine.

If my math is right, you made a 137.5ppm addition right before bottling. That's a fairly significant addition. Depending on your pH you may very well be tasting sulfites.