this wine making is ridiculous

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James I hear you..I cannot tell you how much wine junk I have lying around already.. All because my work Buds sucked me into this! Wife loves wine but looks around what is suppose to be closet space under the stairs and a formal dining room and shakes her head...

Btw you must not be to far from me (League City). :)
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Hey Jim, just across the causeway...
So far I have only met one person making wine other then me , that is on the Island...And she owns/runs a health food store.
Do you get your supplies in houston.
Defalcos, been there for 44 years.
I started 3 months ago and have probably sunk north of a thousand dollars into carboys, kits, supplies,wine racks etc. and haven't looked back. It's really like an addiction. I'm lucky enough to have an entire 200 sq foot room in our unfinished basement to dedicate to my hobbies, so I'm not limited by space, which might be a bad thing, because every time I see an empty primary, I get antsy and start thinking of what to start next. 45 gallons of wine in 3 months, I'm getting close to my 100 gallon limit for the year already
CBell, 200 gallon is the limit for you unless CT has some more restrictive rules. 200 sq feet will start to get smaller and smaller when you start to bottle up those batches you already have cooking :) WVMJ
The grapeman is wise, I always make the wifes favorites, as long as she knows her black raspberry and blackberry are in a carboy somewhere down there in my basement she is happy to let me experiment, she even picks most of the fruit as I have the problem of never wanting to return to the house with a half full bucket, but she can go down to the Wineyard and pick a pint of perfect berries and be happy. My contribution is I pull the honey off the bees. WVMJ

Hope that you have a wife that really likes wine. It is easier to get all these things if she likes what you make- so be sure to include some of her favorites to keep the peace.
Cool, I can talk fishing and winemaking in the same thread without hijacking it :) Did you look around our webpage, we really like to take kids fishing and let them get into a nice carp, the fish are half the size of some of the kids! I am teaching my dog to sniff out schools of big fish, he seems drawn to fish gasses and gets excited when we pass over a school. He tries to help land them, he has a very soft mouth but is not to keen on being slapped in the face by a big tail so he mostly just watches and finds fish.

You guys have the buffaloes down there, do you fish for them?


good thing you dont have the asian, they will ruin everything.
im an avid fisherman.
Unfortunately CT had to make their own rules and top out at 100 gallons for a 2 adult household. But, at least I don't live alone, then I'd only get 50 gallons a year
Yep I go to Defalco's too often... Infact I am going Saturday morning and running my new Jeep buy River Oaks Jeep (4 miles from Defalco's) since they forgot to hook up my Emergency brake LOL... I need more bottles to bottle my Dragon's Blood "Especial" this weekend...
jack, we have buffalo fish in the norther part of the state, yea we fish for them, and eat them.
im cajun, we eat everything.
Let's face it, winemaking is like a chemistry set for adults :D
All of the above, soooo true!

Add---converted garage (where I used to park my truck) into storage space for used wine bottles (about 500), yet to be delabeled. I'm now carting several cases to work each day, filling a deepsink in the maintenance bay with Oxyclean and delabeling bottles between fire calls. Nobody minds, because I gave everyone in the station a bottle of my wine---including the chief---and they loved it!

Life is good! Oh crap, I have to go delabel today's batch! :D
I'm just glad my wife enjoys the wine. Living in Louisiana ain't bad either...200 gallons baby!!!