Tartaric acid

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Jun 2, 2012
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Can I add tartaric acid to my wine that's 1 year old my ph is 3.8 and my Ta is 54
It's a red and I just got a ph meter and tested the wine
Any suggestions

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
The biggest thing is, How does it taste to you. If you want to go by the numbers your Ta should be .65. At .55 i think it would be a little flat. If you add acid blend do it just a bit at a time. Much easier to add than to try and take it out.
Do not add acid blend. Acid blend contains malic acid and you do not want to add any malic. It is way late for sure to be doing any acid adjustments. What is the source of the wine of which you speak? Kit? Fresh Grapes? Juice Bucket?
The direct answer is yes you can add tartaric and drop your pH. If you do at this point you will want to leave it in your bulk container for another year or so. You definitely do not want to use an acid bled for the reasons stated above.

The big question I asked above is why? Why do you feel you need to reduce your pH? Does it taste like it needs some acid or do you think 3.8 pH is not a good number?
The Ph might be a little high but you can live with it. The TA is what is low and that can effect the quality and taste of the wine. But if it taste good to YOU it is fine, enjoy it.
The direct answer is yes you can add tartaric and drop your pH. If you do at this point you will want to leave it in your bulk container for another year or so. You definitely do not want to use an acid bled for the reasons stated above.

The big question I asked above is why? Why do you feel you need to reduce your pH? Does it taste like it needs some acid or do you think 3.8 pH is not a good number?

I was worried about stabilizing the wine with the high ph
The wine taste good so maybe I should bring the free so2 up to 50 and live with it
Any ideas how long it will last in the bottle?

Sent from my iPhone using Wine Making
If the taste is good at a PH of 3.8, you shouldn't mess with it. Just because the PH is 3.8 doesn't mean there will be preservation problems. Many red wines are in a range of 3.8-3.9 is you tested them from the bottle.

But 50PPM is not enough for that PH. You need to have 78 PPM of free SO2 for that PH.