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Mar 26, 2012
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Hi Folks,

I had someone give me a good stack of frozen rhubarb ready for wine so I prepped my must, inverted my sugar and set of sailing. Start PA @ 14% apprx. SG .105.

It started fermenting well and before I knew it 2 days in I was at .030..

I decided I better rack but had to get some carboys clean first. A day later I got them done and then when I finished racking took another SG reading and I was at below 1..

I didn't know what to do so I've put them in the warm cupboard, just figured I'd left them settle as long as possible / age and rack as needed while they clear, cloudy as anything at the moment but I'm thinking that's pectin?

I'm just wondering if fermentations that complete so quickly are normal and if I should assume something's wrong?

Also could I be right about the cloudiness?
Should I get them in the cold and dark?

Cheers All
At this point if you have a stable sg for 3 days in a row Id add sulfites to.protect it and then Id degas ig so it will clear. Trapped CO2 will keep sediment in suspension anx being a white wine its very prone to oxidisiing.
Yeah its been stable for a good few days, I'll sulphite tonight as well. Should I degass right away or leave it for a day or two first?