sulfur smell

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Jan 9, 2007
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Help! Should I be concerned, and any suggestions?

I just made my first batch 50 gallons ofold vine red Zinfandel. Used metabusulfite to kill wild yeast and introduced own yeast. I am concerned, have racked wine twice, and I still smell sulfur, will this go away? or is there anything I can do to eliminate this/ Please any comments or suggestions
We need a little information on this to help. How much juice, water, additives, from grapes,juice or kit. Most importantly how much for sulfites and what kind. It is probably just by products of the fermentation process, but we could tell better with this extra information.
I crushedfresh grapes, after crushing I added the sulfite, followed the directions on the bottle. I made the equivelent of 50 gallons of wine. I did not use a kit or other additives other than the yeast I introduced. With time will this go away, or should I continue racking multiple times? What about fining, will that do anything? Thanks for your help
That's a lot of wine.
1. Have you ever made any before?
2.What did you ferment it in?
3. What did you rack it into? 6 gallon Carboys or a barrel?
4. What was the starting specific gravity or brix?
5. What was the pH and total acidity?
6. You say you followed the directions on the bottle for K-Meta, but how much did you use total? It only takes 1/4 tsp per 5-6 gallons of powdered K-Meta or Na-Meta.

Sorry about all the questions, but all these things affect recommendations about the outcome.
1) No, 1st time
2)two food grade plastic containers
3)5 gallon glass carboys originally, and recently into 50 gallon stainless steel wine tank
4)not sure, but I did test it at the end and it was right aroun 0.98
5)Did not test ph
6)1/4 tsp sound right, but I may have put more. I believe the directions said that, but additional directions for sterilizing calls for more, I hope I did not do that, but I can't remember exactly. Learned a lesson, need to wright everything down

Ya 50 gallons is alot, hope it gets better. Tastes fine, but smells.

Thanks for your help!
It's just my opinion, but if you still have the 6 gallon carboys, I would rack back into them and be sure there is an airlock on them. As a novice you would be able to monitor them easier for clarity, etc. Get a sulfite tester- George has them at Fine Vine Wines site- give him a call. Check to see how much sulfites are in the wine. Immature wines will have some odors to them, but should improve with age.

Be sure to always check the starting specific gravity and monitor it along the way to tell when fermentation is complete. With the starting and ending values, you can calculate the alcohol content.

I can't answer all your questions, but with help from others here, I'm pretty sure we can get you on your way to some pretty good wine.

By the way, where did you get enough grapes for a 50 gallon batch of Old Vines Zin?
Did it smell like this before you put it in the steel tank. You might just be smelling mteal.
John: Although a little late in the game, take the time to learn how to check you Ph, So2and acid levels while you can still adjust these. It would seem that the balance of the wine is off, and that is what you could be experiencing. Keep us posted. I think that Masta monitors the "chemicals and testing" thread, if you need help with testing and adjustment methods, he's be your man. Good luck.
The sulphur smell should disipate over time and your wine will be fine. Racking it back to the glass carboys is not a bad idea if it is feasible fo you to do so. Make sure they are toppped up properly and under aiirlock