Stick a fork in Winter, its over in the SW

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Jul 7, 2009
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Northern Nuevo Mexico
The Sand Hill Cranes have been migrating from the Bosque del Apache refuge down South of ABQ for over a week now, heading North. They go into a holding pattern over White Rock (where I live) and circle and then get their bearings and continue their journey North for the Spring/Summer and then they head back in the Fall. They are VERY good predictors of the change in seasons. Better than a silly large rodent on a certain day of the year for sure! Right now the noise outside and above me is pretty darn amazing. There must be like 20 flocks circling all over and around. Pretty cool sight. Its also 58 degrees outside at 11:00AM. I am giving the vines as well as the grass a nice drink of water since there has not been much falling from the sky this Winter.

I noticed today, that our sandhills were gone also...I usually see them in the fields and marshes, but none fig tree is starting to bud out as well as my blackberry vines.
Dang it's snowing here, with about 14" on the ground still. With you two posting and the start James has on his garden, I'm getting a glimmer of hope. Next week temps are suppose to reach above freezing.
It was about 5 degrees here this am with a stiff wind and 2 feet of snow on the ground- it hasn't been bare since November. -25 windchill expected overnight. On a positive note- it has been blue skies all the way today and seemed warm if you kept out of the wind with your face to the sun.
Spring lol!! We're a long long way away from that up here in Toronto. Im actually starting to doubt its existence at all!!
Ummm ya. They'll be harvesting blackberries when our very first spring flowers will be budding. Why don't you guys down south let us know when our Canadian geese are on their way back up here! Then we'll know that spring is coming!

Mike, That's a real nice photo. Did you take the shot?

Still snowing here in Southbury, CT. Should be ending in a few hours and then its time again for a few hours work at snow removal.
Ummm ya. They'll be harvesting blackberries when our very first spring flowers will be budding. Why don't you guys down south let us know when our Canadian geese are on their way back up here! Then we'll know that spring is coming!


The other day here in central Illinois a flock of Canadian geese was heading south.....not a good sign. Yesterday we had more snow and ice. Today it is 47, with a high tomorrow of 44. Thursday, we are supposed to have a high of 58 with a 75% chance of heavy rain and thunderstorms. This warm temperature today is not making a dent in melting the snow, so with all the snow and frozen ground, we are in for some serious flooding on Thursday if we get the rain that they are talking about.
That's no good at all! Guess it got too snowy and icy for them and they have to find refuge further south. Sometimes they'll hang around in the snow but sometimes not. May be a late and wet spring. We are also supposed to get rain but then it freezes back up at night and we have skating rinks everywhere.

was at farm today,, no signs of snow geese are the ospreys that winter here..they are gone. looks like early spring for us...breaking out the shorts this weekend.
about to turn the A/C on here in PHX. Wildflowers have been out for around a month. Allergies are driving me crazy right now with all the bloomin' things.

Its even warm up on the mountain. We did a Riedel Glass tasting


out on the porch Sat night and it wasnt just the booze and intrigue keeping us warm. I watered the vines and fruit trees just to be on the safe side.
I remember the palo verde trees well...the look like big yellow globs with so much pollen on them....spend 17 years in Tucson.
That's no good at all! Guess it got too snowy and icy for them and they have to find refuge further south. Sometimes they'll hang around in the snow but sometimes not. May be a late and wet spring. We are also supposed to get rain but then it freezes back up at night and we have skating rinks everywhere.


Nope, not at all! During normal winters they would spend time in the corn fields around our house, but I haven't seen any around here in several months. Yep, too much snow and ice for them and no food source. With all of the bad weather that southern Illinois received this year, I would be interested to hear if the geese are even hanging around down there. That's usually a goose hot spot. Along with the rain and thunderstorms for Thursday, they have now added a chance for tornados. What a year!
My daughter was in Texas over the weekend and she was saying that it was almost too hot and humid to enjoy. She changed her mind when she was delayed in Dallas, because of the snow and ice here.
Too hot and humid already?? Not even April yet! Lol I'm living in the dark!

Why them dang blasted Canadian Geese, I wish they would leave and never come back. Beautiful as they are, holy smokes are they dirty. Goose poop every where and super pollute the beaches and golf courses.
Lol I knew talk of them there geese would tick someone off Haha! They are a pita aren't they?? I laughed so hard at my hubby last year because he would routinely run out like a screaming banshee scaring them off from our pond because apparently they overstayed their welcome! Normally they stay for a few days for a much needed rest but this time they stayed for weeks and pooped EVERYWHERE and pigged out on the horse pasture turning it into a muddy Poo Planet! :)

I used to steal their eggs but they would just lay some more the next day and this would go on for about a week. Finally I learned the trick. Just shake the eggs and they'll keep laying on those deadbeats. If they hatch on your pond they'll keep coming back. This was years ago. Only if I would of had my potato gun back then.