Steam Juicer and Pectic Enzyme

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Senior Member
Jan 6, 2009
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Well, when I got home from work today, I found 2 cardboard boxes on my front porch.

One contained a big bottle of WineExpert red grape concentrate. I won't be opening it for 2 or 3 weeks. In the mean time, should I store it in the cabinet or in the refrigerator?

The other box contained my new Mehu-Liisa steam juicer. Oh yes. Goodbye to the clumsy straining bag.

Someone on this site made a post recently in which they said that wine made from steam-juiced fruit needs more pectic enzyme than usual, for clearing purposes. Is this true? If so, what is a good rule to follow when adjusting pectic enzyme? 1.5 times the amount called for? More? Less?

I'll mainly be making strawberry, blueberry, blackberry, and elderberry wines.

Thanks in advance.

Should be fine storing the kit in the Cabinet provided it doesn't get too warm, which shouldn't be a problem this time of year. I'd say as long as it stays below 80° then there isn't anything to worry about.

Can't help you on the Steam Juicer and pectic enzyme. I'm sure someone else will chime in on that one. If not I don't see any problem going with 1.5x the usual called for amount per gallon.
I'm envious of your new "toy" I need to get one. Where did you get yours ...
If you are talking about the 16 oz. bottles of red or white concentrate I keep mine in the fridge. They have a habit of trying to start fermenting. As far as adding extra pectic enzyme, I just add whatever is normally called for and have had no problem - yet. Have fun with the steamer!
I use a steam juicer on my fruit wines and just add the called for amount of pectic problems yet..

I am thinking hard on getting one. How long does it take to do 30# of fruit (strawberry)
I haven't done strawberry yet. It took me about 5 hours to do 50 pounds of grapes though. It depends I guess on how much of the fruit you can get in the juicer.
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The steam juicer are not very fast......But a lot easier to work with and clean up is a lot easier too......clean up the worst part of the job
You can also do what NW does which is steam the juice and then can it so she can use whenever she wants. I have the Mehu-Liisa that I purchased a couple of years ago for about $100. I think NW has had her Back to Basics SS Steamer for 20 years. So they are well worth the investment!
WooHoo!!!! More Steam Juicer members....

I just use the normal Pectic Enzyme...Wine seems to clear fine.

I also store WinExpert Red Grape Concentrate [500mil] bottles in the fridge...stops them from starting to ferment and bulge the bottles.

I fill the steaming basket with fruit, right up to the lid. Holds 10-12# or so. My neighbors new Back to Basics seems to have a smaller fruit basket, so figure probably 10# per session. Steam for about 1 hour on the soft fruits. I will do 2 or 3 sessions and save the pulp...then put all the pulp together and run it through once more..I also let the spent pulp drip over night...Get a few more ounces of juice.

Late last fall I had only 10# of Blueberries left...steamed them and put the pulp in a straining bag...added to the Pinot Noir/Red Grape must and ended up with a nice wine.

Your juices will make good jelly, syrups and drinking juices...I mix some fruits with apples for breakfast juice.....

Play around with it...Your going to have fun....Enjoy!!!
Bert said:
The steam juicer are not very fast......But a lot easier to work with and clean up is a lot easier too......clean up the worst part of the job

Yea Bert,
Thats my only concern ..time.Last year I got 140#'s of Blueberry. I can just imagine how long that would take....
Plus side I would think that would make some real good F-Pac's
tepe said:
Yea Bert,</font>
Thats my only concern ..time.Last year I got 140#'s of Blueberry. I can just imagine how long that would take....</font>
Plus side I would think that would make some real good F-Pac's</font>

the size of the blueberries you might be able to get 12-15 pounds per run. But what is your alternative? hand crushing and putting into the must with a strainer bag?

I just set aside one day to juice when I know I have a bunch. As someone else mentioned you can always can it to save it for another day.

I haven't made any f-packs yet, but I think you are right that this will make it a lot easier.
I find that freezing the fruit first helps when using the steam juicer....Than juice and can as I have time and to make space in the freezer....I haven't use it to make an f-pack, but plan to...Have 3 gal of June Berry wine that I want to backsweeten and add a little more flavor to..

PS. The June Berries only took about an hour to juice [10 lbs.]
I have had great success using the juice obtained from the quantity of fruit specified for a recipe and amount of pectic enzyme specified. You are going to love your Mehu-Liisa.
I have the same model you have although it appears they have really went up in price!
I think I paid $119.00 shipped for mine.

In regards to the pectic enzyme, I use the same amount as normal. I didn't adjust any for the juicer.

The comment about freezing the fruit first is spot on as well. It help break down the cell walls of the fruit allowing it to give up more juice. Good luck with the juicer, you are going to love it.

Also, the wine kit will be fine. Just keep it from excessive hot or cold temps. Average room temps are fine. Remember, these sit on the shelves at the stores so it should be fine in your home.
As for the freezing, definitely freeze your fruit before steaming. Water / Juice expands when it freezes. It will rupture the cell wall and allow more juice to escape when juicing.
NW encouraged us to give the steamer a try, no problem from pectin, we just use the recommended amounts. Crackedcork