Started 2 wines today

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Aug 12, 2004
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5 gallons of Mint/Lemon Balm!!! Yay!

and a test-run of "Rosemary/Nutmeg"

Both smell really good and are steeping away in their primaries. Tomorrow I'll check SG and add the rest of the ingredients/yeast.
Well, I just started it, but generally:

2/3 cup Rosemary
1/4 cup Nutmeg....

The rest of the ingredients as ususal....

Not sure if it's strong enough, but time will tell.
Ever thought about making a Green Tea and Turmeric wine? I was reading an article this weekend about the combination of green tea and turmeric. It seems the turmeric increases the positiveeffects of green tea by about 52%. Maybe if it was a wine I could drink it.
Martina, as you finish some of these unusual wines, do you make a list of the ones that worked well, to do again in bigger batches? I'd like to see your list of favorites.
Antioxidants. Just drink wine. More antioxidants in wine than anything, no matter what type wine.
Okay, my list of pretty good wines. They all have a very unique taste -- better for an aperetif than anything, I would think.

<LI>Sage (very good, tastes like sherry, and I'm a big fan of that.)
<LI>Chrysanthemum (after 1 year of aging, it's to die for, and no one will tell you that your winemaking is weird.)
<LI>Tomato - very bad, everyone hates it.
<LI>Basil - not too bad. won a 2nd place at the county fair.
<LI>Onion - time will tell. Tastes great, bad smell.
<LI>Marigold - very good. Let it age a year, and you'll be pleased with the results
<LI>Cabbage - it's been in the bottle for 2 years now. I'm still too afraid to taste it.
<LI>Lavender - go easy on the lavender. The smell makes you think of soap.
<LI>Lilac - making my second batch. the first didn't go so well, btu there were a number of reasons that that one didn't turn out so well. This year's batch smells and tastes quite good so far.
<LI>Juniper - my neighbor loves it. I think it tastes like nothing.
<LI>Chocolate Mint - got mixed reviews. I think it's good as an aperetif, but some thing the mint is too strong. Some say to sweeten it up a little. Some say, "Yech!" Some say "How refreshing."
<LI>ABE - Anise Banana Elderberry - Everyone has loved it and it wona 3rd place, I think, at the county fair. That one was also a personal favorite of mine.
<LI>Pumpkin - eh, not the best, but certainly not the worst of 'em all. I didn't add enough acid/body (grape concentrate) for that one. I'm not sure if I'm going to repeat this one.
<LI>Rose-Hip.... Yes... Do this one. is the place to go. They have high-quality dried herbs and fruits... Definitely a good place to go if you're looking for good quality herbs.
<LI>Hibiscus: This is a YES! in everyone's book. Even non-red-wine-drinkers like this one. Got nothing but good reviews of this one. Even my Grammy loved this one! (And she's a cherry-liquoer type of woman!)</LI>[/list]

The more I remember, the mroe I'll post....

We will see. :)

MartinaEdited by: MedPretzel

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