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Senior Member
Aug 16, 2006
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Question: Does it matter when we stablaize with sorbate and k-meta so long as fermentation is complete? If you stabalize too early, will it affect the clarification process?

Reason I'm asking...careless mistake. I was racking a number of one gallon batchesthe othernight (Strawberry, Blueberry, Raspberry, Blackberry) all at various stages. I intended on stabalizing the blueberry, which is really almost ready to bottle, and realized I had added the sorbate and k-meta to the blackberry by mistake. It had been sitting for a little over a month since fermentation, but I normally don't stabalize until closer to bottling time.

I don't think this is a huge mistake, since it has already fermented to dry and is fairly clear already, but wanted to get input from others.

By the way...all jugs have labels on them now. This is the first time I have started to confuse which batch was which
You are fine and if the fermentation is complete the stabilizing will not hurt the clarification process at all.

Kits are done this way once fermentation is complete: degas, stabilize and add fining agent to clarify.