SO2 Titration kit question

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Jul 27, 2010
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My kit I got states very clearly that if you have tannin in the wine the SO2 test could read higher than actual. With that being said, I used it and got a result of 50ppm. Which I believe is high.

The recipe I'm using is for 3 gallons. I added three crushed campden tablets up front. When I went to stabilize and prepare for clearing I added one more campden tablet, knowing my titration kit was inbound but had not arrived yet.

So the question, is the reading way off or am I actually high. If so what problems does that present. If not and its wrong, how do I test it?
That could be right as 3.5 tablets is essentially the equivalent of 1/4 tsp of k-meta which is good for 6 gallons. 50 ppm is really not that high and since its very early in this wine and nees to age you really have nothing at all to worry about.

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