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Oct 20, 2010
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What does a first fermentation smell like? I have 6 gallons of fresh juice fermenting and it smells a little funky. I guess it supposed to smell but when should I be concerned? This is my first try at wine-making. It is bubbling and I'm getting foam. The SG went from 1.070 to 1.050 as of last night. I started on Wednesday night.
There is a definite odor associated with fermentation. It can vary in my experience based on the yeast you are using. I wouldn't worry about it
It will be a yeast smell. The first day you don't notice it, second a little. Come the 3rd and 4th it will be very noticable but will fade after that.

Try having 12 to 15 going at one time. Folks enter the house and get that look on their face like "What's that smell"!!!!!!!
Thanks, I don't mind the smell, I just wanted to make sure all was well. This smell @ 12X would take some getting used to..
In the summer, most of the wines I started had a funky sour smell after about five days, but this smell disappeared after a week or so.