RJ Spagnols Slow Fermentaiton w/Grand Cru?

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Senior Member
May 3, 2009
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This is my first attempt at a RJS kit. It has been in Primary now for 3 days and very slow fermentation going on. The CC Cab sitting right next to it, I think the lid is going to pop off, started the same day.
1). Are these RJS Grand Cru kits slow starters?
2). Instructions say to wait 14 days in Primary before racking. Should I be giving it a stir or 2 during the 14 days?
By the way, the wine is a Grand Cru Valpolicella starting SG 1.091 and it has been sitting in a room with constant 73 degrees. Maybe bump the temp up a degree or 2?
I think 73 is OK.

Maybe a stir would be a good idea. Then just be patient, I think it will take off.
Check the wine temp. it maybe somewhat lower than the air temp.....Once a good fermentation starts it will make some of it's own heat...than watch temp. as the SG gets down near the finish...this will help keep the yeast happy....good luck
Concur with Bert

Keep the temp close to 75 and stir it every other day or so
typically, they are not slow, however, if your yeast packet was older, or subjected to heat, it can start slow. Once it starts though, it should proceed quickly. I've had RJS yeast packets take a few days to really start, and sometimes, they seem slow, but the SG falls fast. Visual signs of fermentation are not a good thing to go by. Best bet is to take readings using your test jar (degassed by shaking!) and your hydrometer.