Simple Sugar

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May 26, 2018
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31340A1E-D818-4B3D-AF47-7955706B2D8E.jpeg Hello, I’ve just made my first wine kit and sad to say not very good. It taste like a light wine cooler from an Island Mist Exotic Fruits kit. I’ve found your forum, can you tell me the simple syrup recipe? My next kit I’ll add blackberries and syrup to initial. Thanks
I am not sure what you mean by simple syrup method, but was is required is hydrometer measurements.A simple syrup canbe made by disoling two cup sugar into one cup water. use a blender and hot water for good results. let solution cool. check the specific gravity of your wine kit and add sugar syrup to achieve a 1.092 value. add yeast.
Adding syrup to a wine kit will only serve to increase the ABV%. The blackberries may well enhance the body, but if you have too much booze, you’ll end up with a hot wine. Strive to achieve balance in your wine, matching the ABV with the body. You can consider a higher quality kit, which typically deliver a well balanced product, or make sure you’re adding enough fruit to supplement the body on your cheaper kit. Good luck!!