SG is dropping very slow

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Nov 29, 2008
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I started a 6 gal batch of apple and honey. Used 4.5 tsp of energizer, 2 pacs of Lalvin 1118. Starting SG was 1.100. Now 11 days later it is 1.030, it has not droped since yesterday. should I add more energizer, or some nutrient, or just wait and see what happens?
Check your wine temp, 72 to 75 would be good.....give it a good stir....honey wines can be slow to ferment out.....I've had some that worked for about 30 days..
Ditto on temp. Put a heat belt on if you have one.
Whats the temp now?
Frequently, when people talk about progressively adding nutrients, they talk about adding nutrients at inoculation, about 33% through ferment, and about 50% through ferment. That is, say you start at 1.100 and your goal is 1.000. You would provide nutrients at inoculation (1.100), at about 1.067, and again at about 1.050.

There is a potential risk of adding nutrient (DAP, Fermex, etc) late in the ferment of the mead because you risk changing the flavor of the mead or creating compounds that may adversely affect the mead.

By all means stir it and check the temp as has been suggested. Another thing to check is the pH. Meads can tend to become more acidic as the ferment progresses and the yeast uses up some of the minerals, etc., that moderate the pH. I had a recent mead that started at pH 4 but got down to 3.1, and the fermentation slowed down noticeably. I used some calcium carbonate to bring that up to about 3.6 and the fermentation took off quite happily once again.
I don't start to worry unless temps. start to close in on 85, but keep an eye on that is on the high side and not that good for the yeast...anything moving on the SG.???
Keep an eye on it...Just may take some time....and watch your temps.....I like to see it a bit lower..the yeast will do a better job...
I got my temp down to 75 last night. Today I see bubbles and the SG has dropped to 1.022
Sounds like things are moving along.....we always worry about our babies...
Im sorry I haven't chimed in here but you have been given great advise by our other members as usual which is why this site is so great. Ive made many meads, not as many as Vcasey but none the less many and most of them always work slow. Slow can be a good thing as a fast fermentation can burn off some of the florals that honey wines really need to make so enjoyable! I usually ferment mine at around 66* and Ive had a few take about 3 months to ferment out but have taken best Mead in my state with those.
I've had yeasts struggle with alcohol toxicity when I go past 1.100sg. But your issue is probably the honey. You said yeast energizer did you also use yeast nutrient?