Second batch of wine.. Elderberry is in the bucket!!

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Aug 3, 2010
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Ok now that I have got married, and finished the honeymoon at DisneyWorld. I have finally gotten the time to start my second batch of wine. Bought a can of VH Elderberry ran all over town to get my chemicals.Seems the local homebrew stores are in flux at the moment with the people running them quitting. The shelves were bare! Hope the wine turns out as I have heard all my life about Elderberry wine but have never had the chance to sample it. Seems people around here enjoy bush hoggin the elderberry, blackberry and Rasberry bush down to control pests. Later all!
You will definately enjoy the elderberry. Did you make the 3 gallon recipe or the 5 gallon recipe? I currently have 2 batches going from fresh berries.