Ready to Order MLB and "Accessories"

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No longer a newbie, but still clueless.
Mar 18, 2012
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DC Suburbs
My Chilean grapes and juice should be here in a couple weeks, and I just want to run my plan by some pros before I pull the trigger on my order. I'm doing Malbec and Carmenere juice buckets, both supplemented by a lug of grapes. My plan is as follows:

1) Primary fermentation to ~1.000 SG, rack to secondary
2) Conduct chromatography test to set a baseline
2) Hydrate MLB using Acti-ML (I'm using Bacchus)
4) Add OptiMalo to must
5) Innoculate must with MLB and wait

I've got an order ready to go with MoreWine consisting of my MLB, OptiMalo, Acti-ML, and a chromatography kit. Anything else I need?

From what I've read, MLF can take a week or two, up to a couple months. During this time, how often should I plan on re-doing the chromatography? The wine will be kept between 68 and 72 degrees.
I would count on a month at minimum. Testing just depends on how active the MLF is. Test at 2 weeks to see where you are, then test at 4 weeks to see if complete. Maybe test after another 2 weeks if needed. Don't forget to stir it abut once a week. Get a good LED flashlight and hold it up to the neck and you should easily be able to see the tiny bubbles rising to the outer rim when its really cooking.
I do my first chromatography at 6 weeks . It should be done by then.
If it isn't I warm it up a little give it some more optimalo and stir it up.

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