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Advanced Idiot
Aug 25, 2010
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Just wondering if anyone on here has tried this and how it turned out...

Just a 1/2 Gal. this time

1 1/4 lb rasp.
3/4 Blackberyy
1/4 tsp asorbic acid
2 tsp pure vanilla

Goin' to check sg in the morning and add yeast tommorow night.
Another dumb question... When/what is the best thing to preserve the wine?
With vanilla beans it's a put it in till it's to your liking then take them out.

Preserving wine starts with good sanitation practices and ends in sulfites after fermenting. Things like tannins, proper acid, and storage temperature all can aid in preserving a wine.
I guess i'm wondering about the sulfites... what's the best for fruit wines?
All sulfites are Potassium Metabisulfite 1/4tsp for 6 gal. repeat every 90 days of aging.
This started fermentation over after backsweetening... Yes, I added sorbate. UGH! I'm afraid it's headed toward rocket fuel!
degass and take a reading, if you have a lower reading than when you addedt he sorbate, then you have a re-fermentation. How old is your sorbate and do you keep it in the frig?

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