Racked of the Pinot

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Senior Member
Feb 7, 2006
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Here is a pic of the Pinot that I racked on Thur, as well as a 5th draft of my lable for non-personalized wine. You can see my primary sitting there all lonely waiting on the next kit, which I still haven't decided on.


Hmmmm might try a scratch wine Brandst..like maybe a Muscadine.

Empty carboys are such a sad sight


Waldo that was GREAT!!

Next time my wine room is starting to look empty, Im going to snap a picture and sent it to ya....... See what you think I should make next

So much wine...... so little time.....
Beautiful room, I especially like the leaded-glass windows and the natural wood doors. Very nice!

Waldo is our expert in photo-editing. I wish he could do the same on my bad-smelling wines, not just bad-looking labels!

If you'd like, I urge you to enter in your tasting notes on www.mywinerecipes.com for your kit wines. Once we get a few in there from many different users here on the forum, everyone might be able to find that perfect kit wine for themselves. It's easy, and not too time-consuming.

Thanks, and glad to have you aboard!

Well Brandst -- you've inspired me. As did all those "Pinot Noir freaks" who were posting elsewhere on the site. So, today we put a WE Selection Pinot Noir in the primary fermenter -- 73F and now in the furnace room to start doing its thing!

What fun!

well tryng not be a busy body. but that wine rack will be full and over flowing in no time at all. over fifty bottles going to come a racking in a few weeks. PS good job and looking very good and the label is wonderful. Edited by: OldWino
The rack that the 'boys are sitting on will end up being a staging area more than anything. It holds 30 bottles so should be perfect for the first month or so after bottling while I figure out where else it's going to go. I'll probably get a larger rack or at least use bottle cases to store in the closet for now. Hopefully the next place we move to I'll be able to have a dedicated "cellar".

I finally decided on the next wine and ordered the WE Selection Original Reisling. Was tough to decide but finally settled on that one. The next wine I start after that will be a scratch Raspberry then probably a blueberry. I'll have to pick up a couple 1 gallon 'boys to do those. I can already see having 2, 3, 4 or more wines going at once.

I happen to see store in wine cases Corks need to be moist. How are you going to keep the bottles on their sides. Or are you going to wax seal the corks which does allow the cases in the closet to work.
If I leave them in cases I'll store them on their sides. Waxing is a possibility but I'm more concerned about off flavors from the cardbord or the cardboard stealing moisture that would otherwise go to the cork. Most likely I'll end up building or purchasing a rack to put in there.


Don't know where you get your jugs, but if you need a 1 gallon (or 4 liter) jug, buy yourself a jug of commercial wine of similar wine you have in carboys to top up with and drink the rest, then you have another jug to make wine in. I've never purchased an empty 1 gallon jug.
You may already be doing this.
Racked my Pinot Noir today as well -- so I'm behind you Brandst -- but reading your first post is what made me decide on the Pinot. But, I thought I'dpost a pic to get feedback on whether I'm okay with how (and, with WHAT) I'm filling the airlock -- any guesses?

I filled my airlock with some of the Easy Clean solution I made up, but plain water or a sulfite solution is what I always see recommended. Using a scoop, pouring from a container, or using a turkey baster or whatever works best for you is how you should fill it.

I had not thought of picking up a 1 gallon jug of wine to use to top and drink. Most of the ones that I see in the stores I wouldn't really care to drink, but you never know till you try and it would definetly be better to top with then water. I'll have to look into one of the Pinots, probably about the same price as an empty 1 gallon jug anyway.

Well...I thought with all these good 'ol boys reading this they might have noticed the "shine" jar -- the liquid in the airlock is 25 year old,honest-to-goodness"corn likker!"
Looks like the glass I drink out of at Po' Folks. Didn't think anything of it as much canning as my mom did when I was growing up we had everything in those jars. And I do mean everything.

Brandst said:
I filled my airlock with some of the Easy Clean solution I made up, but plain water or a sulfite solution is what I always see recommended.


You should not be filling your airlock with cleaning solution unless it is K-meta and water as it could end up in your batch and taint it especially if it is a small batch 1 gallon batch.
Waldo, it was ONLY a couple teaspoons! And, I notice MASTA didn't say anything about it's ill effects...and I guess, come to think of it, I suppose I could CUT it to a 25% solution with water and STILL
(...no pun intended
) have a pretty potentconcoction to keep out the bad guys!