Question Regarding Sanitizers

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Feb 16, 2009
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As a brewer for sometime I use Iodophor for sanitizing everything involved with brewing. I have a good routine and discipline and have not experienced any type of infection since I've been brewing.

Because I have it, I also use the iodophor for my wine making efforts. I know this isn't what's generally discussed with respect to sanitizing things involved with wine production. So I'm curious...

Are there any reasons "not" to use Iodophor in wine making?
I'm not sure but I have heard that it is the other way around. There are reasons not to use K-meta in beer making
As a brewer for sometime I use Iodophor for sanitizing everything involved with brewing. I have a good routine and discipline and have not experienced any type of infection since I've been brewing.

Because I have it, I also use the iodophor for my wine making efforts. I know this isn't what's generally discussed with respect to sanitizing things involved with wine production. So I'm curious...

Are there any reasons "not" to use Iodophor in wine making?
Iodofor will give you great results for both wine and beer making. It looks like you know how to use it and are comfortable doing so. Just carry on with your sanitizing practices you are good to go.
Iodophor is what I've been using for wine ever since I learned about it.

Thanks guys. It's one of those things you believe you're doing right but not totally certain. Good to hear I'm not the only one using Iodophor.
I have used bleach successfully in my winemaking. But I have since switched over to potassium permanganate. I have never used sulfites for anything.