Mosti Mondiale Problem... Density always too high!

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Nov 14, 2007
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Hi everybody!

First message on the forum! I discovered your usefull forum and I come here often to read tips...

I've already done a few batch of Mosti Mondiale Fresh Juice. Results are great, tasting speaking but I have a little problem concerning my density: I never been able to reach a density under 998... So my wine, even if it taste great, is always a bit too sweet.

Anybody's having a clue?


Have you ever calibrated your hydrometer? Get some distilled water and test your reading in there. It should read 1.000. If it is not that then you will have to record where it is and adjust the number that you get. In other words if you get .998 in your wine and when you test your hydro in the water and get 1.004, then your wine is really .994. Welcome to the forum and dont be a stranger.
Wade, I never did that...

Thanks a lot, I'll try that tonight! Really appreciate!

Anyone using Fresco juice, what's usually you final density reading?

Does it have to be distilled water, or will regular tap water or spring water be OK?