primary stopped bubbling

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Oct 8, 2012
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Cru Select Pinot Noir added yeast 10-9-12 SG was 1.095. Directions say 14 days but it already stopped bubbling. Do I just wait it out?
I haven't checked it because directions said nothing until day 14. Its in a bucket, should I check in the bucket?
As long as you can look at the hydrometer eye-level with the liquid & meniscus, then you should have an accurate reading.. Just make sure that the hydrometer isnt touching anything & doesnt have large amounts of solids/co2 clinging to it (spin it)

Definitely worth a look, it may have stalled.. It may be done.. No way to know without measuring
I haven't checked it because directions said nothing until day 14. Its in a bucket, should I check in the bucket?

yes, you may have fermented faster that was expected, while I won't tell you not to pay attention to the directions, take them with a grain of salt and always use your hydrometer.
Sounds like its dry to me, i would rack to a carboy but leave some headspace until you can measure again tomorrow & make sure the readings the same... Dont want it too full if its still fermenting, it'll clog the airlock and volcano
definitely rack, I'm thinking you had this is a nice warm comfy place for it to ferment dry this fast.
Ok I racked in to carboy, 6 gallon. Also put the oak squares in the carboy. Questions is what do I top it off with tomorrow? Water? I have a bottle of Merlot on hand? Should I top off with Pinot Noir if so I can buy a bottle tomorrow.
Another alternative for the future is to have different size carboys, you can rack to the size you need.