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I've never seen berries with antlers before.
Yea. The deer ate my berries. Lol. I was toying around with using this image on all the labels and just changing the fruit names and color. N it then for the berry I said they grow wild and deer eat them so there we go. Thanks for reviewing the lables. Feedback is always great to have.
Well, I'm sure I'll end up with lots of random imperfections, I'm using a heat gun to "toast" the label and a small propane torch to create the burned effect around the edges of the label, every one will end up different. I'll print some extra ones, sometimes the fire is hard to blow out!!
A fellow wine maker ask me to make a wine label for her based off of the look she wanted. This is what we came up with.

Are these already printed? If not, you may want to know that there is no such word as "everytime." It should be "every time." If they are already printed, well, then, who cares?! Drink up! :D
I love to fly fish and the cutthroat trout is my fav fish to catch on dry flies. I am growing then making a Cabernet Sauvignon that will have a little Cab Franc and Petiite Verdot mixed in. The name will be Cutthroat Cabernet and I want the C in Cutthroat on the label to be the trout rising to a fly. I am no artist so this may take me awhile. I also have a Viognier I still need to come up with a fly fishing name for, you all are so creative and inspiring with all your labels and creations. Well done!!!!!
I am challenged in the art department, but I turned to a site called Fiverr, where for $5, people will create art based on what you describe.

The name will be Cutthroat Cabernet and I want the C in Cutthroat on the label to be the trout rising to a fly. I am no artist so this may take me awhile.

You might try NorCal's route and give Fiverr a try....
I also have a Viognier I still need to come up with a fly fishing name for

First thought: Vested Interest Viognier (with picture of fisherman in a typical vest).

Second thoughts (just because I like the sounds of them):
Mayfly Viognier (or Stonefly Viognier, if your Viognier has a lot of minerality).
Fingerling Viognier
I love to fly fish and the cutthroat trout is my fav fish to catch on dry flies. I am growing then making a Cabernet Sauvignon that will have a little Cab Franc and Petiite Verdot mixed in. The name will be Cutthroat Cabernet and I want the C in Cutthroat on the label to be the trout rising to a fly. I am no artist so this may take me awhile. I also have a Viognier I still need to come up with a fly fishing name for, you all are so creative and inspiring with all your labels and creations. Well done!!!!!

I little something like this maybe?

WOW I was impressed with your labels/creativeness and now am amazed at your kindness with ideas and pictures of labels. As newbie to grape growing, wine making and to this site you are all are very welcoming. Thank you Kraffty and sour_grapes. If you find yourself in The Yakima Valley look me up I have a drift boat looking for an excuse to take down our beautiful Yakima River Canyon. Flyfishing, tasty treats and wine/beer drinking are required on all trips
WOW I was impressed with your labels/creativeness and now am amazed at your kindness with ideas and pictures of labels. As newbie to grape growing, wine making and to this site you are all are very welcoming. Thank you Kraffty and sour_grapes. If you find yourself in The Yakima Valley look me up I have a drift boat looking for an excuse to take down our beautiful Yakima River Canyon. Flyfishing, tasty treats and wine/beer drinking are required on all trips

Dang, I spent some months in the Tri-Cities a few years ago -- too bad I didn't know about that offer then! :D
"Leia I am your Father" you must be in the Nuclear/Scientific community as Tricities to Lost Almost and I'm guessing that may be why youbeglowin

Just finished this batch yesterday, wifey's getting pretty good at the label making. Sprayed them with clear sealer and let them dry before cutting them out, it made them hard to stick to the bottle as they didn't want to follow the curve of the bottle. Took a few extra minutes.
Wine Label Masters & Imprints

I’ve done a lot of “creative” or “fun” kind of labels but I’ve taken my 2014 and upcoming 2015 varietals more seriously and wanted to make their labels reflect that.

To make the 6 different wine labels look consistant I put together a "Master" pre-printed 8 up on a letter size sheet. I used a 25% Natural cotton paper with a laid texture thermographed with a burgundy ink. The Thermograph process gives the logos a raised and glossy finish that you can actually feel. Imprints are done as needed on an inkjet printer then cut and applied to the bottles. I chose not to use an adhesive stock this time because I’m really tired of removing the residue off used bottles. I used a mixture of 1tsp flour and 3 tsp water to make a paste the seems to stick really well and yet rinses off very easily with just water.

Most of my bottles don’t get labels but this lets me run a few or lot at a time in a style and at a cost that I couldn’t really justify if not for the pre-printed Masters.

Might have overdone the pictures but wanted to show the master, the raised ink, the imprinted sheet and finished bottle. The cream color in the last picture is pretty close to accurate, the other were taken under office lights.




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