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First label, first drawing, first experience... I hope it's tolerable and I don't end up red in the face when giving bottles to others. Well, you be the judge. :h

I like the has a very nice narrative; seems to tell a pleasant story to me.

The only slight criticism I have is the use of color is a bit sparse. The couple of red words make them feel a little out of place with everything else being B&W. A hint of color (tan, cream, etc) in the background might be something to try.

Great job.
I like the has a very nice narrative; seems to tell a pleasant story to me.

The only slight criticism I have is the use of color is a bit sparse. The couple of red words make them feel a little out of place with everything else being B&W. A hint of color (tan, cream, etc) in the background might be something to try.

Great job.

Thanks a lot for encouragement. As for the lack of color, I agree with you. On one hand I didn't want to overcomplicate the label and keep it clean, but at the same time, my idea of adding a bit of flare to the background is to print the label on slightly colored parchment or linen paper with texture. Another idea I had is to turn the strokes of the drawing into the same hue as the text. So, for instance, the drawing would turn burgundy in this case.
I love the drawing too, my only suggestion would be to use fonts more in line with the Colonial Era look of the illustration. Something like this Boswell Font. The natural paper will help the feel an you might play with overall balance. It's really a unique look and you're off to a great start.


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I love the drawing too, my only suggestion would be to use fonts more in line with the Colonial Era look of the illustration. Something like this Boswell Font. The natural paper will help the feel an you might play with overall balance. It's really a unique look and you're off to a great start.


Thanks for the suggestion, it looks quite interesting. I was searching for different fonts but given its vast selection I settled with what I seemed to like after a while. I will try to experiment with Boswell font.
acorn, your label is striking. I admit I wish I were talented enough to draw like that. The idea of the red is good. Perhaps a more muted red or a burgundy tinged red would blend in with the Colonial look? Just a thought. All in all, a very nice label.

Acorn very nice indeed. Others have made good suggestions but make it your own.
Thanks, everyone for your kind words of appreciation. I am really glad you like it, so might some of my friends who will be getting a bottle or two. I always considered myself an amateur when it came to hand drawing, but miraculously something more-less solid emerged this time. :h

I tried Boswell font, and I have to say it plays very well with the drawing. I will do a few adjustments here and there and will then post a picture. Thanks, Kraffty, for pointing me in this direction.

I just got back from Staples where I got an assortment of pastel-colored parchment sheets. I also wanted to grab some linen paper to try, but they were out of stock of smaller packs, so I was not sure if a blind investment of $38 is wise at this point. Well, at least, I'll know what to order online, now that I've touched it.
Finished and bottled my first Dragon Blood this weekend. I'd been toying with this idea for the label for awhile before it was ready to bottle. I hope it turned out ok for sharing with friends. :)

It looks amazing on glossy paper, as it gives an impression of wine (blood) running down the bottle and onto the label. Also, I like your dragon with bandaids all over it :)
We store a lot of our wine up at the family cabin in Crestline so this year I'm making up a "house red" label. I was trying for a rustic Field and Stream kind of look and is my first label using one of my own paintings instead of photos or computer illustrations. Guess I should start working on a house white next.

Crestline Creek Label.jpg
We store a lot of our wine up at the family cabin in Crestline so this year I'm making up a "house red" label. I was trying for a rustic Field and Stream kind of look and is my first label using one of my own paintings instead of photos or computer illustrations. Guess I should start working on a house white next.
Wow. That looks great. My artistic skills rival that of a toddler, so any labels I do will be pictures or graphics.
Like Paul (sour_grapes), I also have mad stick man skills. But that painting is just beautiful! Well done @kraffty !
Recently bottled 30 bottles of a RJ Spagnol Riesling and 26 bottles of Pinot. Decided to treat some friends with one of each for their anniversary so I came up with this label. Used Print Artist® 25 Platinum software with preloaded templates. No special skills here but I think they turned out OK.

Anniversary Pinot and Riesling.jpg closeup.jpg

Anniversary Pinot and Riesling compresed.jpg
Recently bottled 30 bottles of a RJ Spagnol Riesling and 26 bottles of Pinot. Decided to treat some friends with one of each for their anniversary so I came up with this label. Used Print Artist® 25 Platinum software with preloaded templates. No special skills here but I think they turned out OK.
Nice! Love the color.