Port Style Fruit Wine

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Jan 12, 2011
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Howdy Folks,

I'm contemplating using the big bunch of slowly ripening Saskatoon Berries outside to create a port-style wine. Would this work? Any suggestions? I've only really made one kit, 2 batches of SP, and a light champagne so far.

1) Pick a god awful amount of Saskatoons
2) Freeze them
3) Fire up the Steam Juicer (yippee!) and juice all the berries
4) To primary:
-1 gallon of Saskatoon Berry Juice
-1 packet of EC1118
-Yeast Nutrient (and maybe energizer to help it get going!)
-Pectic Enzyme
-1/2 Container of Red Grape Concentrate (Welches, for body?)
-Sugar to 1.080
-Something special for mystifying flavour? (Zest? Vanilla Bean? Oak?)
-Acid as required (probably should have invested in a kit by now...)​
5) Monitor, as Specific Gravity lowers, I'll keep adding sugar. (How much should I add at a time?)
6) EC1118 is tolerant up to about 18-19% alc. Once I hit this, my SG shouldn't change, and I'll stop adding sugar.
7) Transfer to Secondary
8) Rack & Clear as required
9) Taste test, add sugar until it's right on the money
10) Bottle and enjoy in a year or so:se

Please be gentle, first time making port, so I'm totally in the dark. All criticism is welcome!


Jify I wish I could help you but my port wines have been from kits. I know Wade and several others have made it from scratch and I'm sure they'll pop in here later tonight.