Place for aging

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Nov 29, 2012
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Let me ask u guys something, I been making wine for about 3 years and I have made some that personally can't be bout anywhere on earth and I have made some I wouldn't give to my worst enemy. My question is where do y'all age ur wine. Is it in the kitchen, basement , outside, frig, the weather in louisiana sucks so I'd like to hear so ideas.......that work
I've been making wine about the same amount of time as you. I do all my work in the cellar of my house which maintains temps between 55-70 all year round with no dramatic changes in temp. Right now its about 55 down there. Wine for consumption, I have a 24 bottle rack that is on a shelf at the top of the cellar stairs. That area is the temp of the house.
I wish I had a place in my house that stayed that cool all year. I keep it in the kitchen but lately doing some research I find the temp changes way to much.
I expect you have high humidity like we do in NC. No basements here because of red clay. We stored it under out house in a crawl space in large Rubbermaid totes with lids. Steady constant temp of 55. Mold all over the carboys a few months later. Cleaned up the outside of carboys with mild bleach solution. The wine is fine, now bottled but it did make me very nervous. Then moved them back inside because it is winter here.

My point is watch where ever you place them watch the humidity!
I have been making wine only about 4 months but I am going to age it in my "outdoor basement." I call it an outdoor basement because you have to go outside to the back of the house to enter it, in other words no stairscase from inside the house.

My house sits on a slope so the back of the house is about 9 feet off the ground. I had a basement with a 7 foot ceiling, concrete floor and concrete block walls built under the house at the back. I am going to use that, it stays rather cool all year and has no windows.
What y'all think about a frig with all the shelves removed and a wine rack built inside it. Plus use a temp controller to keep temp about 55
Living in South Georgia, I don't have the convenience of a basement. I store mine in a spare bedroom. The temp isn't low enough, but it is constant.
Living in South Georgia, I don't have the convenience of a basement. I store mine in a spare bedroom. The temp isn't low enough, but it is constant.

Depends on the lay of the land. I am in Dublin, just 60 or so miles from you but my lot has a lot of slope to it. Btw, I went to GSC back in the day, 1973-77.